Animaniacs – Lights, Camera, Action


Animaniacs – Lights, Camera, Action – The Animaniacs are really in for it this time. The crazy critters’ reckless and zany living has cost Warner Bros. a zillion dollars in damages. If the Animaniacs don’t want to find themselves locked in the studio water tower for all eternity, they’d best make up for the film studio’s losses. Getting into the game couldn’t be easier. After a brief introduction from the director, you assume control of Yakko. You’ll soon notice that the movie director will try to help you by giving advice when you go close to him. He also acts as a restart point should you get into difficulties on the set. The director is very keen to finish the three films too, and he may give you extra film reels in times of trouble if he thinks you are doing well. Extras also populate the set and often have useful advice for you. Again, get close to an extra to see what he or she has to say.

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