Saints Row The Third, Full Package


Saints Row The Third, Full Package – Shooting a helicopter out of the sky as you try to airlift a safe from a bank is just one of the bananas early scenes people will experience when they get stuck in to Saints Row The Third. The series has become the antithesis of other free roaming sandbox games, with developer Volition relishing in the idea that the player really just wants to ‘play’ in the world that it has created. The game has players taking on the role of the leader of the ‘Third Street Saints’. In the time since the previous game, the Saints have gone from being a street gang to being a household brand. While they might have their own line of trainers, however, their untroubled existence has not gone unnoticed. They’ve fallen under the eye of The Syndicate, an international criminal fraternity that’s demanding tribute. The Saints aren’t going to let this stand and they take the fight to The Syndicate. This enables the player to do pretty much what they please within the fictional city of Steelport.

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